How To Choose a Profitable Course Topic

So you have all these great ideas, many ideas. Maybe you want to do a knitting course cause that's been a hobby for a long time, or you're a CPA, and you want to help small businesses with finances, or maybe you've lost a hundred pounds, and you want to share that transformational journey with others who struggle with weight loss. So many ideas, so many great things to do? What are you to do? 

There are three elements that will help you to choose once and for all a profitable course topic.

What is Your Expertise?

The first thing you want to do when you're choosing an online course topic is consider your experience, your expertise. Maybe you have specialized training or a degree or education in a particular area, or perhaps it's your life experiences. You've had transformation through a life experience that is challenging for others - that is your expertise. Many people would benefit from your journey. They would benefit from the knowledge you learned through this journey.

What Lights You Up?

Second, I want you to think about what makes you light up? What are you passionate about? What do you get excited about? That's the second criteria for choosing your profitable topic. The reason why it's so essential is that creating an online course is a long term game. That means that you've got to invest time, energy, resources, and who would want to do that with a topic they're totally not interested in. I don't want that for you. I don't want that for myself. I highly recommend that you select a topic that you're incredibly passionate about and you could do even for free for a year from now, two, three years from now.

Market Demand

And finally, you want to make sure that there is market demand. It's great to want to express our ideas and share our knowledge with the world. But if you're looking at this being a for-profit venture or organization, you've got to make sure that people want to buy what you are selling. That's where market demand comes in. Ask the questions, research the audience and the audience that you're going to research are those people that are ideal for your course. Who would be perfect for your course and who would not be perfect? The perfect ones, ask them the questions. What are they struggling with? What keeps them up at night? That is your audience, and that's who you want to tap into to help you design your course.

So there you have it. The three elements of choosing a profitable topic, your experience, and expertise, what you're passionate about, and making sure that there is market demand.

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